

James Kan

A true Seat­tle local, James has been play­ing in the North Cas­cades since he was a child- those passions for adventure and James’s unquestioned focus on the whole experience for his guests make him one of the best around!

As a young adult, he fished com­mer­cial­ly in Alas­ka and spent his off time in Ger­many where he found his love for climb­ing. James has climbed in Mex­i­co, Por­tu­gal, Thai­land, Cana­da, Spain, Ger­many, and all over the West Coast. Guid­ing has also reignit­ed his love for big­ger moun­tains and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explore the Cas­cades again.

He spends his win­ters in the San Juan’s and springs in Moab.

James’ oth­er pas­sions in life when not climb­ing or snow­board­ing include moun­tain bik­ing and cook­ing. His pas­sion and expe­ri­ence in food have been well received and reviewed in the back­coun­try!

James is cur­rent­ly an AMGA Assistant Rock Guide and Apprentice Alpine Guide. He plans to fur­ther his edu­ca­tion with the AMGA.

James’s professional CREDENTIALS

+AMGA Assistant Rock Guide

+AMGA Apprentice Alpine Guide

+AMGA Ice Instructor Course

+AMGA Certified Single Pitch Instructor

+Wilderness First Responder W/ CPR training.

James’s guiding accomplishments

+North Ridge, Mount Baker

+Fisher Chimneys, Mt. Shuksan

+Stairway to Heaven, WI4

+Stolen Chimney, Ancient Art

+Outerspace, Snowcreek Wall, WA