

Michael O’Connor

Climbing since 2007, Mike has amassed a number of experiences in the climbing world from leading teams in state-of-the-art climbing gyms to multiple ascents of El-Cap in California’s granite mecca- Yosemite. His passion for guiding and instruction is only overshadowed by his genuine love of people and place.

Mike makes the pilgrimage to Colorado and Utah to help our team grow and maintains being the community resource for West Coast climbing.

Guiding in the Sierra’s since 2016, coaching a youth climbing team since 2013, and route-setting in between, Mike lives all aspects of the sport.

Mike is currently in the provider training pool to become an AMGA Single Pitch Instructor provider, an educational program focusing on the growth of climbing instructors in the US. This course is technically challenging and mentally stimulating. Mike blends these facets of the program effortlessly with his demeanor and love of education.

Mike’s guiding accomplishments

+East Buttress, Mt.Whitney

+Kor-Ingalls, Castleton Tower

+Fishhook Arete, Mt. Russell 

+Swiss Arete, Mt. Sill 

+Polemonium Peak

+North Palisade

+Starlight Buttress, Starlight Peak 

+Thunderbolt Peak

+Venusian Blind, Temple Crag

+North Arete, Bear Creek Spire 

Mike’s Personal Climbing Accomplishments

Free Ascents of:
+ Romantic Warrior IV, 5.12b - The Needles, CA

+ Sea of Tranquility III 5.12b - The Needles, CA

+ Border Country IV 5.12+ - Yosemite Valley, CA

+ Rostrum IV 5.11c - Yosemite Valley, CA

+ Excelsior 5.13a - Eastern Sierra, CA

+Scirocco 5.12 - The Needles, CA

+Titanic 5.12c  - The Needles, CA

+ Davy Jones' Locker 5.12b - The Needles, CA

+ Leave it to Beaver 5.12a- Joshua Tree, CA

+ The Oracle 5.12a - Squamish, BC

+ The Prow 5.12b - Eastern Sierra, CA

Big Wall Climbing:

+The Nose - El Capitan (2016, 2021)

+Zodiac - El Capitan (2017)

+Freerider - El Capitan (2018)

+Lurking Fear - El Capitan  (2020)

+West Face - Leaning Tower  (2022) 

+South Face - Washington Column (2015) 

Alpine Climbing: 

+Becky Chouinard V 5.10 - South Howser Tower - Bugaboos, BC

+Snowpatch Route IV 5.8 - Snowpatch Spire - Bugaboos, BC 

+Northeast Ridge IV 5.7 - Bugaboo Spire - Bugaboos, BC 

+West Ridge III 5.4 - Pigeon Spire, Bugaboos, BC 

+Nevado Ishinca (18,143') - Cordillera Blanca, Peru

+Tocllaraju (19,797') attempt - Cordillera Blanca, Peru

+Huarapasca (17,757') - Cordillera Blanca, Peru

+Vallunaraju (18,655') - Cordillera Blanca, Peru

+Aguja Gillaumet - Amy-Vidailhet - attempt - Chalten Massif - Patagonia, Argentina

+Mt. Huntington- Harvard Route, VI WI3 M6 C1 - attempt - Alaska Range

+West McMillan Spire - West Ridge - North Cascades, WA 

+Inspiration Peak - West Ridge - North Cascades, WA

+Forbidden Peak - West Ridge - North Cascades, WA

+Eldorado Peak - North Ridge - North Cascades, WA

+Dorado Needle - North West Ridge - North Cascades, WA

+South Twin - West Ridge, North Cascades, WA